Sunday, March 23, 2008

Animal House

Last night as we were watching TV we saw a tiny mouse scamper around the dining room.  It ran around, checked out Lindsey's computer bag, then fled into the guest room (we hope he liked the new sheet set we bought).

Being city folk, we are trained to view mice as very, very bad.  They are dirty, carry disease and being from the city, they are just as likely to rob you as bite you.  But our country mouse did not really bother us that much.  After the Ladybug attack the night before, we're ready for anything.

We both remained very calm through throughout the entire episode, although Lindsey did arm herself with a small broom to "help shoo him outside."  Once it ducked into the guest room I poked around looking for him but we did not see him again.

The fact that we were able to remain so calm is testament to what the house has done to us. If this happened in the city, we would have called the super and immediately bought $400 in traps, poison and various anti-mouse paraphernalia.

But here we just watched it run around, got up to look for it, then went back to watching TV.  We have a more defined "live and let live" attitude towards nature when we're up at the house.  That being said, I think we're done with uninvited house guests for this weekend.

--Posted by Evan

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