Adam Manes is the owner of Country Caretaker. From the minute we met Adam, we felt safer. Thanks to his services, we know that someone is watching our house when we're not around and we always have someone to call if a project is too big for us to handle (or if we just don't feel like doing cleaning the gutters).
Here are our ten favorite things about Country Caretaker:
1. Adam has a very big truck. It's an F350 from Ford and it's almost as big as our house.
2. Kevin built us the best fence in New England.
3. Mary Ann writes lots of comments on our blog. (Thanks, Mary Ann!)
4. We're pretty sure Adam's entire wardrobe is from Orvis.
5. If our alarm goes off accidentally, we don't have to drive up from the city to turn it off. That's part of Country Caretaker's services.
6. Adam says "Don't worry, we'll take care of it!" a lot.
7. Adam is totally unfazed by bugs.
8. They just started online billing.
9. Adam had Lindsey's dad as his high school English teacher (seriously!).
10. Who do you think removed the hot tub?
Posted by Lindsey
This is all very exciting but I can't see the mezzuzah from the pictures - there betta be one!
Kevin thinks he should be listed as #1 and what's with the orange shirt against the maroon truck??
We're going to put a picture of the fence up on the site next week...we need to get a good shot of it. As for Adam's color choices, we should all help out there. I'm thinking a nice olive green would match the truck. Or perhaps some dark grey?
Adam's wife chiming in on the orange/maroon combo. I'm sure we have a olive Orvis shirt, or six. From now on, we will color-coordinate the wardrobe to the The Truck. This weekend, we learned that The Truck fits at least 30 large pumpkins on the floor of the bed. There's country for ya!
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