1. Spend less money on house.
1 (a). Do more of the home maintenance and landscaping ourselves.
1 (a). Do more of the home maintenance and landscaping ourselves.
2. Lindsey will cook one meal without using the microwave.
3. Replace bathroom fixtures because Evan hates them.
3 (a). Evan to convince Lindsey that we should replace bathroom fixtures.
4. Replace mudroom floor.
5. Install dishwasher (this is Evan's number one 2008 goal, after world peace and redemption for his beloved Mets).
6. Lindsey will try and go one weekend without checking email (this resolution does not apply to Evan, as he is physically incapable of not checking email).
7. Memorize our CT phone number (Evan had to call his mom the other day when he needed to give someone our phone number).
8. Invite more friends up for the weekend (with preference to those who comment on our blog).
9. Lindsey is going to learn how to plant the flower box.
10. We are going to mine all of our professional and personal contacts to try and get on one of the HGTV design shows that we recently discovered and are now addicted to.
11. Lindsey is 100% committed to finally buying rugs for the living room, dining room and master bedroom.
12. Blog more often!
Thanks to all of our readers and happy new year!
Posted by Evan and Lindsey