Saturday, July 26, 2008

New Developments

Okay, so it's been a LONG time since our last post.  We've had a lot of non-house related stuff going on.  Lindsey has been super busy with deadlines on a number of projects and Evan got a new job at Ideal Bite, a web site that offers tips about "light green living."  Shameless plug: check out the site and sign up for the daily tips!

But we do have a very special house-related development: we got a dishwasher!
It has been WONDERFUL not doing dishes.

Oh, and this morning a deer walked around our yard and then had a staring contest with Evan.

--Posted by Evan & Lindsey

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hooray for the 'magic cupboard'. You put your dishes in and little elves appear overnight and wash them for you. It's amazing. Only trouble is they steal your socks from the washing machine at the same time and put them back six weeks later!