Saturday, March 15, 2008

Ga$ and Heating Oil Price$

Being a city dweller for 32 1/2 years before we bought a country home, oil and gas prices really meant nothing to me.  Once in a while prices would go up, the TV news folks would air those "shocked at the pump" pieces featuring angry people complaining about what it takes to fill their tank, and I would happily go put another $25 on my MetroCard (more than enough for a full week of commuting) with a profound sense of urban pride: "I don't need a car!  Gas prices have no bearing on MY life."

Flash forward to today, and things are very different.  We bought the house and a car (a 2007 Toyota RAV4 that we LOVE) within two weeks of each other and our days of not caring about gas and oil prices are over.

It costs us about $50 for a full tank of gas for the car and about $600 to fill our heating oil tank at the house.  It's crazy.  I know I'm a little late in getting to this issue what with the possibility of $4 a tank gas by this summer, but this is just when it hit us.

I really don't have anything else to say, I just felt like complaining.  I'm not sure what can be done to fix this.  My guess is that even with a new administration in Washington next year, prices are still going to rise.  This is an economic issue that will not easily be solved.  As much as it pains me to say this, I think the only solution might be the one advocated by Thomas L. Friedman: a national gas tax.  This will foster energy innovation and help the environment; it will also make Americans and American businesses fundamentally change their habits.  And yes, it will be painful...but maybe a little short-term pain is needed for our long-term stability.

--Posted by Evan

1 comment:

lancem said...

Drive to Jersey to fill up. Much less expensive.